
Books On Sexual Medicine

Testosterone For Life

By Abraham Morgentaler, MD, FACS

From a Harvard doctor and a leading expert on testosterone… The groundbreaking book that shows you how to raise your testosterone levels - and live your life to the fullest. If you’ve noticed a decrease in your sex drive, experienced erectile dysfunction; or felt tired, depressed, and unmotivated, this authoritative, up-to-date guide from an expert at Harvard Medical School will help you determine if you have low testosterone – a surprisingly common but frequently undiagnosed condition among middle-aged men.

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When Sex Hurts: A Woman's Guide to Banishing Sexual Pain

By Andrew Goldstein, MD, Caroline Pukall, PhD and Irwin Goldstein, MD

For the 20 million women who suffer from painful intercourse: the first book to address the multiple causes and the available treatments. Painful sex is a condition that causes embarrassment and silence—often going undiscussed or misdiagnosed; as many as 40 percent of women who suffer from it won’t seek medical care. And most medical professionals are still in the dark when it comes to women’s sexual pain. Now, three leading experts tackle the stereotypes, myths, and realities of sexual pain in this easy-to-understand, accessible guide that will help you get the help you need and deserve.

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When Sex Isn't Good

By Lillian Arleque EdD and Sue W. Goldstein

When Sex Isn't Good, written so readers will learn from the experiences of others, portrays a variety of women's sexual health issues. It includes the science and a reference section to be used as a resource to educate and empower you to discuss your sexual dysfunction with your partner and your healthcare provider.

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101 Questions & Answers About Women's Sexual Health

By Michael L. Krychman, MD

Empower Yourself! 100 Questions and Answers About Women's Sexual Health is an exciting resource for Women of all ages. It easily answers the difficult questions to ask. The book answers 100 of the most common questions posed by women and their partners about sexual problems and their health. Topics include: how to improve sex and sexual function through lifestyle, medications, therapy and much more! The only test to provide both the patient's and the doctor's views, this invaluable resource provides up-to-date authoritative, practical answers to the most common questions asked by women.

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Satisfaction: Women, Sex, And The Quest For Intimacy

By Anita H. Clayton, MD

If you’re a woman and any of this sounds familiar, Dr. Anita H. Clayton wants you to know that there’s nothing wrong with you–what’s wrong is the ridiculous fantasies you’ve been sold about sex, and the unrealistic expectations you cling to. We all want to make love the way they do in the movies, where the woman swoons with desire before the man even gets near her and, once he does, gasps, collapses, and hurtles headlong into orgasm in twenty seconds tops. Now, how often does that happen in real life? Not very–because in real life it takes at least that long to get your panty hose off, not to mention locking the door locked so the kids don’t barge in.

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Saving Your Sex Life: A Guide For Men With Prostate Cancer

By John P. Mulhall. MD

In a straightforward style, Dr. John Mulhall guides the reader through the basics of male sexuality, explains the role of testosterone, the functions of the prostate, and the common difficulties men encounter when disease strikes. In plain language, this book spells out the causes and symptoms of prostate disease and diseases of the lower urinary tract and the approach to deal with the aftermath of treatment.

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Prostate Cancer Survivors Speak Their minds

By Arthur L. Burnett II, MD and Norman Morris

Personal stories from courageous men who have survived prostate cancer and authoritative medical insights help readers make the right decisions for themselves.

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Making Love The Way We Used To... Or Better: Secrets To Satisfying Midlife Sexuality

By Alan M. Altman, MD & Laurie Ashner

Can there be great sex after 40? Alan M. Altman and Laurie Ashner (The Estrogen Alternative; etc.) use their knowledge as a physician and a psychotherapist, respectively, to offer new medical treatments and communication techniques for overcoming lost libido and boredom in the bedroom in Making Love the Way We Used to... Or Better: Secrets to Satisfying Midlife Sexuality. With aired-out honesty, Altman and Ashner compassionately state the hushed secrets middle-aged couples keep (e.g., "The little blue pill is causing more problems in our relationship than it solves") and prescribe a plan (e.g., for facing the emotional side of Viagra, it's important to realize that self-esteem is an issue for both men and women) to get things back on track.

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For the first time in history, advances in medicine and technology are liberating human beings from the silent despair of sexual dysfunction – a growing epidemic that affects over 30% of Americans regardless of gender, age or status. With your generous support, we can continue to do important research into treatments, raise awareness, and provide valuable resources like this website. Thanks for your help.

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