

My son’s journey


6 mths ago my son shared his personal agony of the last 3 yrs.

His 2nd semester of his freshman yr of college he suffered an innocent and unintentional blow to his groin. Being very private and having a high tolerance of pain he took it to be nothing big in the grand scope of young college experiences and pretty much blew off the situation as “things that happen”. Especially since there was minimal swelling or bruising. Unfortunately he was not prepared to forsee the inner turmoil of mind over matter for the next 3 yrs.

Much inner pain and heartache and knowing he could not live his life this way anymore allowed him to finally open up and seek help and answers. Personally I think he finally looked death in the eye and knew he had only 2 choices. End it or at all cost solve it and find an answer- whatever that was. He is bright enough to know the 1st was not a viable solution and would never provide the answers he needed to understand “what is wrong with me” ??

As his mother I could only encourage and help him seek an explanation. Mental? Physical? Fixable? Livable? You can only sit back and watch their inner turmoil and exterior pain. ( a son- once vivacious, out going, calm, confident and assured had become distant, quiet, reclusive and uncommunicatable and yes appeared to have suicidal personality) I KNEW something was eating him inside out.

To think a young man can put his whole lifes value into 1 act and 1 function is hard to understand as a woman let alone as a mother but it was killing my son…. slowly everyday. As a woman we dont understand the male mind and their psyche toward sex but we do understand love. But how can a young man on an early journey of life who wants to eventually find love comprehend love being available without all his working parts? He set off on a journey of seeking answers and found Dr. G. My advice to any amn is to take his knowledge, care and compassion VERY seriously- in all aspects of conquering this male “blow”. My son immediately quit smoking, lost 15 lbs and went out and bought a bike that represents his new road to a future of adventure, exercise, and the ability to actually live life again!

His surgery went with flying colors and being able to be his nurse and mother, I have witnessed 4 days of not eating, intense pain and sleepless nights with a diet of Naked’s, V8’s, icecream and broth, lots of water and relentless walking. After 3 yrs of waiting and pondering his young life as celibate or actually living I think he finally decided that something can beat you or you can beat it. His stamina and willpower make me so proud. When you can witness your child’s choice to overcome adversity it swells your heart and your tear ducts:) Dr. G is remarkable and capable of giving many a man his life back but I also believe the attitude of “mind over matter” and “at all cost” is the medicine one must carry w/i their own manhood. Life is not always fair. Many times we don’t understand circumstances But I am grateful my son is self seeking, diligent and determined. He would not have looked so hard nor tried so hard to put Dr. G into his life so he could reclaim it. I’m grateful he was willing to seek the answers to his problems and willing to do whatever it takes to solve them.

OH… I am MOST grateful for the most obvious… son has his life back and I have my son back!!!

God is good:) and his blessing upon Dr. Goldstein and his entire staff. We call them angels on earth!


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