

Cutting edge deds for orgasmic disorder


After an extended period of poor quality orgasms, Dr. Goldstein and his incredible staff at SDSM, through their continual, cutting-edge research have discovered a breakthrough remedy to help me achieve sexual wholeness again.

The added prescription of Ampyra ER (10mg/twice a day) plus Staxyn (10mg/half tab) as needed, has dramatically improved my otherwise mediocre pre-existing condition.

In today’s world of diminishing interest in women’s equality (be it in the work place or as evidenced in recent television sit coms), it is so refreshing to find a team of dedicated professionals who not only continue to champion the rights of women (in this case – our right to pursue fulfilling sexual health) but also take seriously that desire for wholeness with the utmost compassion and sensitivity. Gloria Steinem would be proud. I am eternally grateful.


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